Let your marketing collateral talk in customers language

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To communicate effectively, using proper business lingo is the secret ‘mantra’ to talk the “customer’s language”. There is no ‘good’ communication and ‘bad’ communication as such. It is always about speaking the language of the target readers through professional language translation services. The effectiveness of language defines the success of marketing collateral talk. But the focus should always be the customer and not you.

Usually when any company markets or publicize any product or service, they focus on the uniqueness of the product or service that they provide or launch since they think it is their excellence of product/service delivery that shall attract the market base and make the products/services popular. But we often forget that it is not the product or service but it is primarily the customer requirement or desire that draws a customer towards buying something.

While drafting marketing collaterals and talking the customer language ensure that the number of customer pronouns (such as ‘you’, ‘yours’, and your) outnumber the number of organizational pronouns (such as ‘we’, ‘me’, ‘ours’, ‘my’ etc.) this activity projects the message that you are more aligned towards customer preferences and more concerned about their needs and requirements rather than what they are selling. It takes out the focus from the organizational selling practices and strategies to the everyday problems that common people face and is definitely more appealing for the buyers. It erases the sellers’ ego out of the messages and replaces it with concern for consumer. This helps build the consumer confidence and trust.

Also while spreading a marketing message, ensure that you use the simplest of language that is understood by one and all. That increases the reach to the mass and the target market can identify their needs to the projected scenario. Any reputable translation agency knows that technical jargons and business terminologies should be avoided as far as possible. This makes the communication lucid and accepted by the mass and results in better sales conversion, market penetration and increased revenue realization.

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