Languages to consider for Website Translations

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There are thousands of languages spoken around the globe, some are confined to a small region or locale to some widespread around the world. Did you know there was a language named Busuu, spoken by only eight people? And then there is Mandarin, Chinese spoken by more than a 1.3billion people. Well, languages have a strange way of growing, and still, there are over 6500 recognized languages in the world. For a business moving to the global platform or inviting customers from across the regional and geographical boundaries it would be very difficult to communicate in all the languages or even half of the languages. LanguageNoBar – the professional translation company says you don’t need to because the most used languages on the internet that cover almost 85% of the traffic are –

  1. English
  2. Mandarin, Chinese
  3. Spanish
  4. German
  5. Portuguese
  6. Korean
  7. Arabic
  8. French
  9. Russian
  10. Japanese

Well, English being the lingua franca and the most popularly used language on the internet, it almost covers about one-third of the total internet traffic. So, assuming that English is the language you primarily built your website into, let's take a look at the other Web translation demanding languages.

English – Well, there is no surprise in English being the number one language on the internet with the number of users ranging roughly from 478 – 536 million around the world. This number constitutes 33% of the total number of users on the internet any time any day. So, if your website is originally built in some other language make sure you get its English version as soon as possible, or will miss out on a huge number of potential customers.  

Mandarin, Chinese – Chinese speaking internet traffic is more than 20% of the total users on the internet at any time of the day. So, getting your website translated into Mandarin, Chinese could benefit you a lot. But to carry out an accurate Chinese translation make sure you get an experienced & professional Chinese translation company to help you out.

Spanish – Spanish stands third in the list of most used internet languages constituting about 8% of total internet traffic.

Japanese – With the total number of internet users being just short of 100 million, the number of Japanese users is about 6%.

Portuguese – Accounting for 4% of every day total global internet users the Portuguese preferring number hangs around 73-82 million in total.

German – Preferred internet language of about 70 million users German stands at the fifth spot on the list.

Arabic – Although Arabic users constitute only 3% of the total it is a very much favored language for website translations. With numbers suggesting to be around 50 to 60 million, Arabic is quite a tricky language. Expert Arabic translation professionals having a robust background and relevant experience are more than needed to tread in this market.

French – There is no exact data estimating the number of internet users with French as the preferred language, but it roughly stands around 59 –79 million people.

Russian – The number of Russian internet users accounts for 3% of the global internet community any day.

Korean – Although Korea is geographically small it is a tech-savvy nation making it a prolific internet user. The numbers stand around 35-40 million constituting 2% of the total internet traffic.

Although, these are the ten most popular languages used on the internet but even out of these you don’t need to get your websites translated into each of them. For deciding the languages to translate your website into, you should consider –

Wherefrom the traffic comes to your website and the places where you operate in. Understanding these factors could be very helpful in deducing the unnecessary workload of translating into not-so-relevant languages. Although, for the places you operate in, it is better to communicate with people and customers in their native languages. This would make your business look more familiar to them and attract more attention towards it. You should also do some market research about the product or the service you offer. Pointing out the potential markets and places where there would be the demand could be of great help in deciding the languages for website translations.

Ultimately, you need to hire an efficient translation service agency to help you with the translations of texts and other documents on the website in the locally accepted language. Providing the most efficient translation services in India, LanguageNoBar is constituted by proficient linguists, native translators, domain experts, and sound technical expertise. In short, everything that makes it your preferred location for all the translation & localization services.  

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